This tradition can only continue with the support of parents like yourself. Just a few hours can make a huge difference to the school. Our regular meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at 5.30 pm and we welcome you to join us. (Meeting dates are subject to change due to school holidays etc. Please check the school calendar for current information.)
Our main fundraising activity is the running of the school tuckshop. We offer healthy food choices to the students and staff five days a week with the tuckshop being run by three (3) paid convenors. The P&C Association actively encourages parents to volunteer to assist in the tuckshop.
The P&C Association also undertakes a wide range of fundraising activities which include catering events and community activities associated with the Melon Festival and Show Society, as well as local community clubs and organisations. These additional activities can only be undertaken with the support of family involvement.
Becoming a member
It would be appreciated if you could show your support of the P&C Association by completing and returning the membership form (PDF, 191 KB). Volunteer membership lapses every year, therefore a new form will be need to be completed every year and returned to a P&C meeting.
P&C Executive
President - Anthony Harland
Vice-President -
Treasurer -
Secretary - Trish Leddington-Hill
Contact us